June  10, 2021

Episode 1: Gravity

Chapter 1
Juana Victoria mejía & Jorge Andrés Penagos
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00:00:00 - Welcome to our podcast. We are Juana and Jorge. We are very happy to start our podcast because we are interested in the topic of space. In this podcast we are going to touch topic about suppositions, curious facts, and many things. To begin, we want you to ask yourself, what is gravity?

00:00:35 - You're probably mentioned that it's the ability that the Earth has to attract objects to it.

00:00:41 - But we want you to forget that concept. It's not just about the Earth. Gravity is present in many other places and objects. In order for you to understand gravity, we need you to transport yourself into space and think of two objects that are separated by a distance. It doesn't matter which may be, as long as their mass is not zero, as long as they don't have any other object between. They will attract each other, so if an object is bigger, bigger is the attraction force, and if an object is farther away, the attraction force is weaker.

00:01:23 - This, according to Isaac Newt, who managed to prove his theory, by calculating the gravity of a bullet and even the gravity of Jupiter with the sun.

00:01:37 - Everything was fine until Albert Einstein arrived.

00:01:43 - Einstein said that there were anomalies that Newton didn't explain as the precision in Newton's orbit.

00:01:50 - Einstein also did not believe Newton because he questioned whether the sun could be interceded with the planets that are millions of miles in a vacuum.

00:02:01 - By not believing him, Einstein created his own formula better explained about gravity than Newton's.

00:02:09 - Einstein created a theory somewhat impossible to believe.

00:02:13 - The idea is that you imagine that you are in a box without doors and windows.

00:02:18 - How do you know if you're really on Earth or in space? By gravity? Well, no. According to Einstein, if a box were traveling a total of kilometers throughout the space, the supposed gravity would act the same as on Earth. Since your field would remain, glue it to the box.

00:02:38 - This is called equivalence, principle and maintenance, that gravity does not exist.

00:02:43 - And that's everything thanks to Inertia.

00:02:46 - Rather, that gravity exists but is not a force, according to a theory of relativity, it is a result of the curvature in space-time.

00:02:56 - Gravity is one of those things we take for granted on Earth, but it's more complaints than we think.

00:03:03 - If you want to learn more about it, keep listening to our podcast.

00:03:08 - In the movies, we are shown that coming down to early CC, but it is not.

00:03:28 - In the case of astronauts, their return to gravity can be difficult for their bodies.

00:03:33 - Without gravity, muscle mass atrophies and bone mass is lost.

00:03:38 - For this reason, after returning to Earth, they need time to recover.

00:03:43 - The blood pressure has adapted to terrestrial patterns in which of greater effort is needed than in space.

00:03:51 - In addition to physical consequences of space travel, there are also psychological difficulties of adaptation.

00:03:59 - If we want to weight less, we must go to Pluto.

00:04:10 - Pluto is no longer considered a planet, but it's a good option if you want to lose weight.

00:04:15 - A person weighting 68kg will only weight 4.5kg there.

00:04:23 - This is due to the gravity of the planet.

opposite point is Jupiter, where the same person would weight 160 kilogram. Mars is one of the planets we visit the most. This one would leave us weighing about 26 kilograms, since the gravitational attraction of Mars is 38% of that of the Earth. Without gravity, viruses and bacteria will be stronger, in

00:04:56 - In space, some bacteria are much dangerous than on earth, for example, those that cause for poisoning, which become up to three times more potent.

00:05:07 - The lack of gravity affects the functioning of the genes and proteins of some bacteria such as almonylabacteria, so the real risk is not the bacteria in space, but in the bacteria we already have when we go outside.

00:05:23 - Thanks for staying with us at this point. We are really sad you have to go.

00:05:30 - We wait to see you then we hope you like our podcast.

00:05:37 - Goodbye friends!


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