Episode cover: T4:E4. Creatividad y emprendimiento

Agosto  20, 2023

T4:E4. Creatividad y emprendimiento

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00:00:00 - I

00:00:30 - Hello and welcome to a new episode of Pasadepiña.

00:00:35 - I'm talking to your host, Maria Zulver de Piñeres.

00:00:38 - Today is a strange chapter because I'm doing it for a class that I have, that is creative and entrepreneurship, and one of the jobs was to make a self-knowledge notebook, where I was asked to define myself as a person, what were my dreams, my goals, what was my purpose, what I liked, what were my fears, and among other things.

00:01:14 - So, well, let's start this episode by saying who I am, who I am, or who I am.

00:01:21 - I think one of the best ways to define myself is simply listening to all the episodes because that defines me a lot as a person and also helps me get to know myself.

00:01:42 - I feel that María José is a very kind person, very charismatic, I am a very open person, a very honest and sincere person.

00:02:01 - I am not one of those people who see something that they don't like and they will stay quiet.

but it makes it very difficult for me to shut up.

00:02:11 - I feel like I'm a very spontaneous person and I feel that I really like this class because I also like creativity.

00:02:26 - I'm very creative.

00:02:28 - In the class, I didn't plan on doing this podcast.

so I started as a mood board in Canva, but you know basically what I did was take the screenshot to the feed of my Instagram and put it on the Canva because I feel that my Instagram defines me quite a lot of the things that I like and I like to be with my boyfriend,

00:02:59 - I like to go to the islands, I like the sea, but I don't get into it, because it gives me panic that they take something down there, I don't know, one doesn't know, one has the idea that animals that you see down there, that is, the world, the earth as such, is not completely discovered, as if I get into the ocean without knowing what is down there.

00:03:24 - I also took pictures of my dogs, of my animals, of my Paco and Ramona, who are my whole life.

00:03:31 - Obviously, Ramona is my Paco, because Paco is my sister, Ramona is mine, they are chihuahuas, white and black.

00:03:38 - Ramona is white, Paco is black.

00:03:41 - But Ramona is my life, I have her by my side and she never separates me.

00:03:47 - One of the things that defines me is that I talk a lot and I love to talk and I love to open up and I love to tell my stories. In fact, I even tell my whole life. Things that have marked me too much in life. Well, obviously my dad's death has marked me too much. I think that

00:04:13 - Because since my dad died, I am a completely different person now, of course not the whole, because you always tend to have your essence and my science, which is what I was telling you before.

00:04:26 - But right now I am a mature person and a more conscious person, which was what I was telling you in the previous episode.

00:04:34 - And yes, that's what defines me.

00:04:39 - Well, my goal is to find the profession in which I am good,

00:04:46 - I feel that I am very good in the market area.

00:04:49 - In fact, I studied marketing in the international industry for two years, but I left because one didn't see me in anything that I had to do with finance,

00:04:59 - I didn't like administration.

00:05:01 - I liked to see more all the creative part of that and that and everything that I have to see how with him everything that I have to see with market study and that I consider very good in fact I have always loved all that since I was little then I said I gave a class that was called I think it is consumer and I said that this is not mine because I am giving so much mathematics I am going to go to psychology, I go to psychology and here I am and I am happy and I am happy and I know what I want to do after I graduated from my pre-degree, I want to specialize in psychology consumer or in neuro-marketing that I have always loved that we are going to

00:05:54 - We are going to do this. In fact, I have clients who are super happy with my work and I know that I am going to get super far with that.

00:06:05 - My mission is to be someone very successful, to be able to create my own marketing and marketing business.

because I feel that there is very little demand in that and if I am with that, they can pay me and yes, because one of the questions I asked for vocation they can pay you for, they can pay me for that the truth is that I do not enjoy anything to the clinical psychology that is, that is not my area my fears

00:06:43 - My fears, basically, if they're not physical, like they get on my face or make me fat, because they're superficial fears, intimate fears, like that, but they're personal.

00:06:57 - It's losing someone else in my life.

00:07:00 - I don't know, after my dad's death, that with that, to lose someone,

00:07:06 - I'm not a person who really depends on people, but if I feel that it depends a lot on the presence of those people in my life

00:07:16 - I mean, in the sense that if at some point I'm going to need those people

00:07:21 - I can't have them there because they're not there anymore that's why I'm scared, I'm scared of fighting with my friends

00:07:29 - I'm scared that they leave me, that they die

00:07:33 - I'm scared that they leave the country, all that

00:07:37 - It's not that serious, but I don't know, it causes me stress.

00:07:45 - So...

00:07:48 - My biggest insecurities can be that

00:07:55 - I've been left on the ground in the sense that

00:08:01 - I'm not the most responsible person.

00:08:04 - The truth is, I'm not super responsible, so I tell you I'm dedicated, I'm super dedicated, I don't know what...

00:08:11 - No, and that's one of my fears, my insecurities, like...

00:08:15 - My responsibility, both personally and economically, I'm very responsible.

00:08:23 - You know, I have to manage the money, because I'm not good at managing the money.

00:08:28 - And yes, I distrust a lot of myself for that, and I live in my decisions for that very reason.

00:08:36 - My motivations, and that motivates me.

00:08:41 - Listen to me, the money motivates me a lot.

00:08:44 - I mean, without lying, the money motivates me a lot.

00:08:47 - But not money, like, you have money, so I want to go with you.

00:08:51 - No, because that doesn't interest me.

because I know that at my age many people who are sleeping because they have money for their parents not for themselves and it motivates a lot is the people who are forced to get to what they want like that type it motivates me a lot how to feel admiration for people and it motivates me a lot the money that I can earn by myself, that is, from my work, I love it, that they tell me that there is more, will you be able to do this? Yes, I can, although I do not know, I learn it, that is, I love all that, it motivates me a lot, like the personal challenges.

00:09:35 - Ok, this last one, I do not know what to say, because it is very difficult, I said that you can teach something curious to the course that you know how to do or your profession in a simple and creative way imagine this teacher I think I'm going to be wrong in this because I have no idea I mean I have not thought about it a curious fact about psychology is that good a curious fact and that I think is

00:10:07 - The thing that is very famous is that most of the psychologists are fucking crazy

00:10:11 - I don't find myself a crazy person, but I don't find myself a stable person

00:10:16 - And I think that most of the people in my career are not completely stable today

00:10:22 - There are times when I say that these people have problems

00:10:25 - But it's because I don't know, I mean I don't know if it's like what psychology brings

00:10:31 - I feel that most of the people who study psychology study is also how to understand themselves, that is one of the reasons why I am in psychology, that is, I say as America I have to self-medicate, I have to heal and here I am, I am in the process, the thing is that as you understand more the behavior in front of other people and understanding that it conforms to a human being.

00:11:05 - Both his experiences, his daily life, his condition, medical, economic, social, everything influences, the experiences lived, they influence my God.

00:11:23 - So, imagine that, I mean, and even as a psychologist you have to know and know about the parents of that person, of the relationship they have with that person, of the relationship they have with their parents, because that's how they help you understand the evaluated person well, okay?

00:11:43 - It's super interesting and yes, but the curious thing is that people are crazy.

00:11:51 - And well, that's it. We're at the end of our episode. I didn't think we'd go so far.

11 minutes, I think, with the intro and the final part.

00:12:02 - It's like 14 minutes, professor. I'm sorry, but I hope you'll listen to me.

00:12:07 - See you in the next class and in the next episode of Pisa de Piña.

00:12:12 - Bye!

In this episode:
Hello les habla su host Maria Jose Gutierrez De Piñeres! El dia de hoy les hablaré de mi cuaderno del autoconocimiento
Me llamo Maria Jose Gutierrez De Piñeres, Cartagenera y a mucho honor. No me callo nunca y pa' eso esto, pa' hablar. Hablamos sobre mi vida, doy opiniones sobre varios temas, story time, entre otras full cosas. A veces seremos serios, otra veces nos reiremos mucho, otras veces las dos cosas, lo importante es que hay salud. Nuevos episodios todos los jueves ¡no se lo pierdan!
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