Episode cover: T4:E2. Amistades

Julio  14, 2023

T4:E2. Amistades

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00:00:00 - No, no, no, no, no.

00:00:29 - Hello, hello, well, welcome to a new episode of Pisa de Piña, your host, Mare José Gutiérrez Piñeres.

00:00:40 - Well, we are going to start with today's episode because obviously there is no time to lose, we are going to start with the definition of what a friend is for me, basically a friend for me is a person in which I can trust, in which I can count, in which I am going to find reciprocity, love, solidarity and respect and with this I refer to myself as loyalty. I have gone through too many situations in my life that today have taken me to question what value I have in my relationships of friendship. I realized that those people that I thought were my firmer friends, they are not. I mean, I had a list of 20, 30 people and now it is reduced to three or four. And in fact this is a topic that I have been as if it was like scratching my brain, I don't know, like a while ago I was thinking about this because as you grow up, you see who they are, those friends who are for rumbas to go out and who are the ones who really love you and value you with absolutely everything that you can give and above all with what you are simply who accept you and value you, they are who you really are, you have to concentrate to sow and cultivate that bond, which is friendship.

00:02:16 - In fact, I have reached the point of my life in which I do not care about false relationships,

00:02:20 - I do not care about superficial relationships, I care about sincere and simple relationships in which I can feel calm, that I can tell you whatever it is and they won't judge me and also that they won't betray me they are those friendships that deserve all my attention because I take a lot of time to understand it

00:02:46 - I'm not a perfect person, I'm not the most attentive friend because sometimes I tend to be left out with a lot of things.

00:02:58 - But I am a person with a lot of things, and most of the time, when they need me and allow me, I will be there.

00:03:06 - I feel like I always thought I was going to have a lot of friends who considered me for my whole life, but I realized that those friendships can change depending on the circumstances and our ability to be present.

00:03:22 - As we move forward in life, we are going to experiment in real changes and our priorities are changing

00:03:31 - Before, I spent a lot of time with my friends, sharing laughs, sharing adventures, sharing unforgettable moments

00:03:41 - However, now I am in a stage where I can not be all the time there

00:03:48 - As I said in the previous episode, right now I'm with three jobs, I'm studying all at the same time and simply my ability to be present is too limiting.

00:04:01 - I also have a boyfriend, I have a family, it's not that easy, life as an adult is difficult.

00:04:09 - I want you to know that I value all those people who have been there for me despite that very surely not all the time I can accept a leave or something similar and I value too much the understanding of all those who are still in my life for despite, sorry, despite everything that I already mentioned earlier, because the same thing is treated, that is, we are changing beings and not always the stage of one is going to be the same as the other, for me a sincere friendship is the one who knows how to find the way to be for the other, despite the circumstances and what is happening in the life of the other, that is, one always to find the way and that also shows interest, I got a little confused with you, I'm going to tell you that right now I'm going through a situation with a friend that I consider one of the best friends, despite everything, I've been away from her and listen to her with me in a special sun, it was

00:05:24 - I was with her, I always went with her, whatever it was, let's see this, she told me we're going to have a bridge, we're going to have a bridge, we're going to jump on a plane and I jumped with her, I was with her all the time, I was away from her and not necessarily because I did, but because it just happened and I don't even know at what time it happened

00:05:51 - And the truth is that it was painful, as you have no idea, because it was a person with which they spent most of their time.

00:06:00 - But due to my commitments, maybe that started to make things difficult for them.

00:06:05 - I mean, I was very tired from work or from the U and there were times when I just couldn't, or I couldn't give myself to be as present as always.

to be able to attend to their invitations or whatever.

00:06:25 - Sometimes I was forced to go, and sometimes I felt that she didn't see me, because she wasn't going through the same situation as I was, and maybe it was difficult for her to be in my shoes.

00:06:42 - I'll talk to her about that later,

00:06:46 - I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her,

00:06:49 - But I would also like to say that I don't know, I don't know in this situation how to do it because the truth is that I had never really had, literally, it feels like I never would have been friends because we are a group together and I respond to things that they say in groups and it's as if I didn't exist, I mean, it's as if I wasn't responding to anything else, never

00:07:16 - And I don't even know what I did, I don't know if I was wrong or if I was wrong, I don't know anything.

00:07:26 - There are friends, and I value the efforts of all those who love me and are there for me.

00:07:36 - And when I tell them that my life has changed a lot, it's because it has turned 190 degrees.

00:07:43 - I mean, I'm not the same as two years ago, and you know, there are things that I won't let go of, I mean...

00:07:50 - I've had so much fun that when I let go of it, several times, something becomes tedious and it starts to bother me too much, like in the case of another friend who is leaving me bad and leaving my friends too, that I adore them.

00:08:10 - And I don't like it because I'm a strong old man and in truth we all make strong old men with her and in truth it hurts

00:08:18 - Also because the excuses are like that. Oh, you know me. Oh, you know that I play and in truth one day I mean not

00:08:29 - That's why it's okay

00:08:31 - And that's why I'm going to accept those things

00:08:35 - Thank you, goodbye, blessed, sacred is changing and thank God I am also very empathetic and I always try to put myself as in the shoes of others because if I don't I swear that our friendship will never prosper until and right now we were not being friends I swear to God I will do data as I have done of her the same are things of things how cute the relationship is that one learns that he would accept those defects that the other has as well as they are yours and they will always add the beautiful things of the other as well as advice I can tell you a few things, that is, I have to tell you these advice because the truth is that this has happened to me too much, distance yourself from those people who give them much more than they add, from the people who make them mentally and never let them consume them and they do not allow them to value them less than they really because then they will never see their true value ever again and the absence of all the people who do not give them any value in their lives and above all, they learn to discern they learn to discern what I was saying at the beginning of the podcast

00:09:59 - They learn to know who are their friends from the outside and who are their friends from the outside because those friends from the outside won't do the same thing they do to their friends from the outside

00:10:09 - I mean, it's happened to me too much that, for example, I've been in rumbas with people I don't know and those supposed friends have left me out there or just let me get drunk on a taxi and believe me that I and none of my friends have allowed that at all

00:10:27 - I'm not going to be a taxi driver ever again, my friends really would never do that and there are a lot of things, we're not going to be naming everything that happened to me because this episode will never end but well, I hope it helps you with something, this that I'm telling you and this life experience that I'm sharing with you and nothing, I'm really thankful for having you here

00:10:55 - And thank you for staying until the end of the episode, I'm trying to make it a little shorter, because I really don't know, I feel like that's how it is, it's better, that's right, it's better.

00:11:10 - And nothing, we'll see each other in the next episode, you know that I'm going on Thursdays at 12 am, that is, Friday at 0-0.

and nothing I want an update I didn't find the cable of the microphone that I bought so I'm working on that and I'm stressed out because I want my best sound I want I want better as an audio but well I'm going to see if I buy that line because in truth I have a hopper there that has that line that cost me a little silver and I can't use it because

00:11:51 - I don't have a cable

00:11:53 - I'm going to look for that vein maybe it's a universal cable that vein can be found anywhere but well, we're going to finish this what a shame bye

In this episode:
¡Hellooo a todos! Les habla su host Maria Jose Gutierrez De Piñeres y les doy la bienvenida a mi podcast "Pasa' de Piña". En este episodio exploraremos el maravilloso mundo de las amistades y lo que significan para mí. Lamentablemente, el audio no es perfecto, pero espero que puedan mirar más allá de eso y conectar con el mensaje que les transmito. En mi experiencia personal, he descubierto que soy de esas personas que no habla constantemente con sus amigos, pero cuando nos encontramos, es como si el tiempo no hubiera pasado. El sentimiento de la amistad siempre está ahí, intacto y lleno de amor.
En este espacio, exploraremos cómo las amistades pueden perdurar a pesar de la distancia y el tiempo. Compartiré mis reflexiones, anécdotas y consejos sobre cómo mantener alejado a todo aquel que no aporta nada y como valorar a quien te valora y te aprecia.
A veces, la vida nos lleva por caminos diferentes y nuestros horarios ocupados nos impiden comunicarnos regularmente. Pero eso no significa que la amistad se desvanezca. Encontraremos formas de mantener ese vínculo especial, valorando la calidad sobre la cantidad.
Así que los invito a unirse a mí en este viaje de descubrimiento y celebración de la amistad. Juntos aprenderemos cómo nutrir y fortalecer esos lazos que nos llenan de alegría y apoyo en cada encuentro.
Gracias por ser parte de "Pasa' de Piña". ¡Prepárense para sumergirse en las historias y lecciones que nos enseñan el verdadero valor de la amistad en nuestras vidas!
Me llamo Maria Jose Gutierrez De Piñeres, Cartagenera y a mucho honor. No me callo nunca y pa' eso esto, pa' hablar. Hablamos sobre mi vida, doy opiniones sobre varios temas, story time, entre otras full cosas. A veces seremos serios, otra veces nos reiremos mucho, otras veces las dos cosas, lo importante es que hay salud. Nuevos episodios todos los jueves ¡no se lo pierdan!
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