Episode cover: T4:E1. El update

Julio  8, 2023

T4:E1. El update

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00:00:00 - This video was made with the support of the U.S. Department of Health and Welfare and the support of the U.S. Department of Health and Welfare.

00:00:30 - Hello, hello, well, welcome to a new episode of Pasa de Piña, your host, Mare José Gutiérrez Piñeres.

00:00:41 - Hey, today I have too much to do without doing this.

00:00:44 - In fact, I thought, I came to think that I would never in my life do podcasts again.

00:00:50 - I mean, never.

00:00:52 - But well, here we are, that's the important thing, we'll be back after a year.

00:00:58 - Listen, what a shame, I mean, for real, the thing is that I was doubting a lot without putting the story in my mind, like, will I come back?

00:01:06 - I'm going to come back the same way, because I wanted to come back, listen, I love this, I love to talk, I love to gossip, I love to spend a shame talking about my life, talking about my mom's life, about everyone, I mean, I'm a gossip, I love to gossip, I love to talk

00:01:24 - And nothing, what happiness that we are here, I have a huge apology to those people who really listened to me and they told me when you are going to come back and I told them there soon and soon it was after a year, forgive me, forgive me, but it was happening for a moment de mi vida bastante difícil. Me volví de Bogotá, tomé la decisión de volverme de Bogotá.

00:01:55 - Estaba pasando por un momento depresivo en mi vida, de hecho pasaba llorando demasiado.

00:02:05 - Se supone que cuando mi papá murió, él murió en el 2021, a mí empezó como a entrar the thing that my dad had died.

00:02:16 - I started to understand that my dad was dying, accepting the process of acceptance, that he died in 2022 at the beginning, when I was already in Bogota, already living there,

00:02:34 - I mean, I was there, I parked there in Bogota.

00:02:37 - My dad gave me the thing that he gave me horrible pressure,

00:02:42 - I didn't want to go out, I didn't want to see anyone, I went through crying, I went through sadness, desolation, loneliness.

00:02:51 - Every time my boyfriend was leaving, it was harder for me, and then he came in and said,

00:02:57 - I miss my dad, I miss my boyfriend, I miss my mom, I miss my dog, my grandmother, I don't know who,

00:03:03 - I mean, I had never missed someone, I'm the coldest person there is, I don't miss anyone.

00:03:11 - I was very disappointed and I started crying and I thought it was horrible.

00:03:16 - I mean, I don't like to be sad, I swear I was even going to get frustrated.

00:03:21 - Because I was saying how it's possible that I'm crying at this point in my life.

00:03:26 - I mean, I didn't understand it.

00:03:29 - Then, well, I came back to Cartagena to make that decision.

00:03:32 - One day I had to call my mom because I was going to call my aunt and my older sister.

00:03:38 - But I had to call my mom and I said, mom, I'm in depression, I mean, I want to go back.

00:03:43 - And mom is sure that she wants to come back and I do want to go back.

00:03:46 - She's sure, yes, if she comes back, we go, we take a plane and we park in Cartagena.

00:03:55 - And here I am, here I am in Cartagena.

00:03:58 - It was a little hard for me too, because, well, to come back to my house is not easy.

00:04:02 - It wasn't easy, obviously, I had a routine, to be alone, to cook myself, to wash my dishes, to wash my clothes, I was alone.

00:04:12 - I mean, I had my routine, to go to university, I didn't have to ask anyone, I didn't have to pay anyone's bills.

00:04:19 - Because my mom, I don't know why, but if I was in another city, she didn't even call me.

00:04:24 - Or she called me once a day.

00:04:27 - Here, in exchange, she called me every day, she was very aware of me, etc.

00:04:31 - Then it's difficult. It was complicated.

00:04:34 - I had to go back to my city, not to be with my closest friends who were there, she also voted

00:04:41 - Thank God, I had one of my closest friends

00:04:47 - She had her card here, so with her I went out, I lost my alcohol, I lost my outings, I mean, I literally lost my life

00:05:01 - And today I didn't go on Saturday either, I mean, I was always looking for a escape to get rid of my problems

00:05:10 - Then I went to December and I was able to see my boyfriend, oh well, I traveled

00:05:16 - I traveled to Europe because he was doing a master's degree in Barcelona

00:05:21 - I could travel to Europe, I visited him, I don't know what, but when I came back that he was crying again

00:05:28 - I mean, whenever he was leaving, I was always crying less bad because, hey, I don't know, I was left with the feeling

00:05:35 - I mean, to be honest

00:05:37 - I was left with the feeling that oh, Mary, someone else is going to my life

00:05:42 - I don't know, I don't know, I arrived with the vain

00:05:45 - I mean, after the death I was left with the vain that I don't want anyone to leave my life and then, hey, things happen well, that's how it happened

00:05:53 - I have to change that, but for the moment it's not going to work.

00:05:57 - I'm concentrating on other things right now, so for the moment I'm not going to change that.

00:06:05 - I got here, I went to a virtual university in Valencia.

00:06:12 - It didn't work out. So I decided to go to a university here in Cartagena.

00:06:18 - And I don't think it's that bad, I've enjoyed myself this whole time, it's not the other world, the truth is that it's normal.

00:06:31 - It's a university, we're learning, I'm already graduating because I want to graduate.

00:06:39 - I want to finish studying to be able to graduate and do what I like, at the moment I'm working.

00:06:46 - And now I have three jobs, I don't know how to do it in time, but I do it, I do it, and nothing, super well, all my bosses are spectacular, all my colleagues are spectacular, and I'm super happy because today they don't know that right now I feel like, like, calm

00:07:12 - I mean, I don't feel like I'm a fan of wanting to go out, of wanting to rumble, of wanting to go back to shit

00:07:19 - I mean, because whenever I went out I wanted to go to sleep and shit, and that's how it's done and I think it's the moment, and I haven't learned to drink yet but, well, today, July 7th, shit, I think it happened to me

00:07:33 - I think it's today June 6th, I want to tell you that I have been without drinking for 5 months because I was also supermitted in my process of getting drunk and listen, I've been able to get down 5 kilos, thanks to the Lord

00:07:52 - I got into the life of gratitude, so I'm grateful, I'm...

00:07:58 - Listen, I don't know, I'm super happy when I teach you how to manifest, when I teach you how to thank, because today I want to thank you, it's a feeling that, really, you'll go to America and you'll do it, but I'm not, I'm not crazy, I'm grateful, I mean, I'm grateful, blessed, you don't think I'm going to my isa.

00:08:20 - In reality, this has nothing to do with my religion, which I am Catholic, in fact, I believe that you hear me talk about Catholicism and believe that I am Manikatea, but no.

00:08:31 - This has more to do with the feeling, with my energy, with my vibras, with everything.

00:08:38 - And nothing, in fact, I am super far from the people who do not bring me good tips, who do not support me, who do not feel that they are real with me.

00:08:49 - I'm leaving those people because I wanted to be like in the shit like in the vain, with anyone coming out right now I can't stand almost no one, right now I don't know but it's because today I want to leave all those false people, all those people who speak badly of other people all those bad vibes outside of my life because the truth is that when one comes out of a dark place

00:09:17 - I don't want to go back in and I don't want to receive that energy either.

00:09:20 - And well, this episode has come to an end, I was giving you an update of what happened and what's coming.

00:09:30 - Hey, I'm back with all of this and in my best moment and I swear I'm going to be super juicy in this podcast because I love doing it.

00:09:44 - Literally I woke up one day and I said Marika, why am I not doing podcast again?

00:09:48 - Oh well, and I also had a bath, I can tell you, before I finish this episode, I had a bath with a microphone that I bought, a Yeti, that Marika, when I came to Cartagena, she fell down, I mean, I put it in a review, and today in that bath she came down and she doubled the microphone

00:10:08 - And I don't find the cable either, so as soon as I find the cable, I give them better audio.

00:10:14 - We have better audio, I promise you.

00:10:17 - And well, nothing.

00:10:19 - Thank you for listening to our episodes, I think every Friday.

00:10:24 - I mean, I'm going to mount the eggs at 12 o'clock at 0-0, that is, Friday at 0-0.

00:10:33 - You know what I mean?

00:10:35 - It's true that the days are really real and the nights are also real

00:10:39 - Did you understand me?

00:10:41 - Friday at 0-0, that is, Thursday at 12 am

00:10:47 - I think that's how it is

00:10:49 - I think that's how it is

00:10:51 - I don't know, I'm confused

00:10:53 - But did you understand me?

00:10:55 - See you on another episode

00:10:57 - Thank you

00:10:59 - I'm grateful for having you here

00:11:01 - And they are counting on me to like, follow and repost.

00:11:10 - And goodbye, bye.

00:11:31 - You

In this episode:
¡Hello hello a todos, les habla su Host María José Gutiérrez De Piñeres, y quiero compartirles un breve resumen sobre el último episodio. En este capítulo, les contaré por qué estuve tan ausente y desconectada últimamente.
Durante este episodio, me abriré con sinceridad y les hablaré sobre los desafíos personales que enfrenté recientemente, lo que contribuyó a mi falta de presencia en el podcast. Compartiré cómo lidié con estos obstáculos y cómo encontré la manera de superarlos para regresar con más energía y entusiasmo.
A lo largo de nuestra charla, también exploraremos las lecciones que aprendí durante este tiempo de ausencia, y cómo esos aprendizajes pueden ser aplicados en nuestras propias vidas. Será una oportunidad para reflexionar juntos y fortalecer nuestra conexión como comunidad.
Así que, si estabas curioso acerca de mi ausencia y te preguntabas qué había estado pasando, ¡no te puedes perder este episodio de "Pasa de Piña"! Espero que puedas unirte a mí mientras comparto mi historia personal y mi renovado compromiso con este maravilloso podcast.
Nos escucharemos todos los viernes a las 00:00 am 🙌🏻
Me llamo Maria Jose Gutierrez De Piñeres, Cartagenera y a mucho honor. No me callo nunca y pa' eso esto, pa' hablar. Hablamos sobre mi vida, doy opiniones sobre varios temas, story time, entre otras full cosas. A veces seremos serios, otra veces nos reiremos mucho, otras veces las dos cosas, lo importante es que hay salud. Nuevos episodios todos los jueves ¡no se lo pierdan!
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