March  16, 2021

Episode : The Boy of the Stars

Leslie Mendoza
About a story of being yourself.
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00:00:00 - My name is Lesslie Marisa Mendoza Beltran and I'd like to recommend the book called The Boy of the Stars I read it back in 2018.

00:00:08 - It was written by Cristian Martínez Puello who was born in Madrid in 1994.

00:00:13 - He is also known as Peter Panin Social Media and he studied general and compared literature at the Complutant University of Madrid.

00:00:21 - This was his very first novel and it was written because, according to Cristian,

00:00:26 - There is always a moment when someone needs to be brave and overcome their fears.

00:00:31 - The story is about Christian's life, how it was for him to face his biggest fear.

00:00:36 - The society's rejection.

00:00:38 - The main character is the boy of the stars who is Christian, so it is an autobiography of his life until the book was written.

00:00:47 - I really like it because it is written in second person so you can feel part of the story.

00:00:53 - It also combines elements of the poetry or metaphors to refer to situations or people.

00:01:01 - This book is a confession from Chris to the world and a complaint of the homophobic society we're so used to.

00:01:09 - Another thing I love is the way of the author to express the emotions.

00:01:14 - You can perfectly feel them.

00:01:16 - The body of the stars is a short story and as far as I know it hasn't any adaptations.

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