Mayo  15, 2022

Episode 73: W.a.s.p School Daze -miedo al colegio- año 1984. Version en español.

W.A.S.P. es el álbum debut de la banda estadounidense de heavy metal W.A.S.P., publicado en 1984 por Capitol Records. School Daze es una protesta ante el sistema educativo.
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Episode cover: W.a.s.p School Daze -miedo al colegio- año 1984. Version en español.

classics songs old-time classics songs old-time

00:00:30 - Hello, we are again in the rock classics of all time, today I am going to introduce you to a band that has already been in my podcast, the band formed by Blacky Laulis and Chris Hones, the classic to introduce you is Skool Days.

or a school stormed by its first album of the year 1984, I remind you that you can follow us through various platforms, in spikers, in google podcasts, in amazon music and in spotify to enjoy the

00:01:27 - The best songs, the best songs, their stories, and their anecdotes.

00:01:38 - The band was formed by Black and Lively, Senbos, Chris Hones, on guitar, Randy Piper, on main guitar, and Tony Richards on drums.

00:01:52 - He had caused a revolution with his first album, called Wasp.

00:02:04 - We remember that the Wasp Island was coming from a broad range, which meant white, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant.

00:02:17 - This album said it caused a revolution because of his rock and roll groove and his scenic position more than official

00:02:32 - Wasp, in relation to the show Rock who practiced double the position of the bands that were currently playing in the US

00:02:51 - This song is about a well-known topic in the era.

00:03:03 - What was the oppression that the boys felt in school?

00:03:10 - This theme can also be developed by the Pink Floyd band.

00:03:17 - In his song, Skull Out, he talks about that oppression that the boys felt yesterday at the school, an authoritarianism of the teachers who told you what you had to be and what you had to think to make a doctrine in which he was not allowed to develop his skills and his criteria

00:04:09 - The song has a memorable chorus that says, I do not promise loyalty, I bet that I'm going to go crazy again.

00:04:22 - No one here is understanding me, I do not promise loyalty and I bet that I'm going to go crazy again.

00:04:29 - I'm dying here and I'm trying to free myself.

00:04:39 - In the musical, the theme has a very interesting riff, taking a vertiginous rhythm and having a chorus with a melody in which the voice of Blackie Laulis stands out for most of las cosas y en lo comentado un fanático de grupo decía que esta canción se ha convertido en un himno de sus insustribuibles clases en el colegio y es que tanto su lyrics as a musicality are ideal to feel rebellious and want to destroy the

00:05:35 - Aula while one feels like a recluse between four walls and locked up this song and this album is one of the most emblematic in the history of metal and of the American Rock, one of the culprits of having to create the famous parental advisory label, which was like an advertisement that the album contained inappropriate language.

00:06:21 - This album was also one of the culprits that the associations of North Americans in the 80s, they trembled in front of the overwhelming idea that the kids or the boys would take Black and Lawless as their special teacher.

00:06:38 - Tony Richards, who was the drummer of this album, he said that at the time his drums were drumming, they sounded great.

00:06:49 - The tracks we used, we used Randy Piper's guitars,

00:06:54 - It was all clean and clean, so I remember this great disappointment when I listened to the final mixtures.

00:07:07 - The guitars and drums tracks had been modified until they sounded like shit.

00:07:16 - The Verrandi guitar was buried, everything had changed.

00:07:21 - And that was probably part of the reason why I distanced myself from the band, and the producer.

00:07:30 - Many bad decisions were made, and Black and Lawley was sure to be in charge of many things.

00:07:37 - And that was the beginning of the film.

00:07:40 - The rest of the guys from the band felt the same.

00:07:51 - I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic of

00:08:18 - States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

00:08:48 - My eyes are burning, bells are ringing in my ears

00:08:58 - A long clock's wailing, clasps are screaming I can't hear

00:09:05 - A textual man has 12 years, I'm hearing a rage

00:09:12 - I'm too benign to kill, and I'm here like a beneath cave

00:09:18 - It's my fate, it's my cage, it's my crash

00:09:25 - It's my fate, it's my cage, it's my crash

00:09:30 - It's my fate, it's my cage, it's my crash

00:09:36 - A black war jungle to the land the ruler's made

00:09:42 - A whole work hill high screams at me makes a creed

00:09:49 - Tick-tock, trick-hock, I'm sitting here and counting all the days

00:09:56 - A fireman is ringing hell and I'm still on the sea in flames

00:10:01 - Break it down!

00:10:03 - As I'm into a time

00:10:07 - As my age is my crime

00:10:10 - As I'm into a time

00:10:14 - As I'm attending a high

00:10:19 - I've left no one to lead us

00:10:22 - And I bet they're gonna drop it crazy

00:10:26 - Nobody here is understanding me

00:10:33 - I pledge no allegiance and I bet they're gonna drive me crazy

00:10:40 - And I'm dying here and trying to get free

00:10:56 - Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,

00:11:26 - From a tinsel of hair

00:11:28 - From a tinsel of hair

00:11:31 - From a tinsel of hair

00:11:35 - From a tinsel of hair

00:11:39 - From a tinsel of hair

00:11:43 - Wow!

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