March  16, 2021

Episode : The whispers of Pedro Páramo

Raúl Yañez
407 - B
Pedro Páramo is the first and only novel by the mexican writer Juan Rulfo, his other book would be the collection of short stories “El llano en llamas”. However, with this book he revolutionized 20th century Hispanic literature. Pedro Páramo is amazing in its construction where reality and unreality, space and time mix, and where the place where it develops, Comala, is as important as the character that gives title to the book. A must-see novel from the Latin American boom and from the subgenre called magical realism.
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00:00:00 - Very good morning, we are not the genius toners who are with us today.

00:00:11 - How did you get up?

00:00:13 - Have you had coffee?

00:00:14 - Well, tell me a little bit about your day on Twitter using the hashtag TODAYI and I'll be retweeting them.

00:00:23 - Hey, during these times of pandemic, is in a book a good way to destruct yourselves?

00:00:29 - Well, let me tell you that yesterday I have just finished one called Pedro Paramo by the

00:00:36 - Mexican writer Juan Rulfo and you want to imagine the background the book has.

00:00:43 - If you let me, in this podcast, I will tell you a little bit about my experience reading the book.

00:00:49 - And once I finish, you can draw your own conclusions, guys.

00:01:09 - To begin with, let me tell you a little bit about the author.

00:01:13 - Juan Nepomuceno Carlos Pérez Rulfo Vizcai, no?

was born on May 16, 1917, in the family home of Apulco, Jalisco. Remember this place guys, it is really important for the story that plays Jalisco. He created the magic realism in Mexico with this book, Pedro Pará. Juan Rulfo died in Mexico City on January 7, 1986. The story

00:01:43 - He starts with the protagonist Juan Preciado, and he is in his mother's deathbed, and out of nowhere the lady says, go, collect from your father all these years of oblivion.

00:01:59 - Then Juan goes looking for his father, Pedro Paramo, to a little Mexican town.

00:02:06 - There the young man will discover that all the people in the village, called Comala,

00:02:12 - Jalisco are called Paramotu, that many of them are his own brothers, and that Pedro Paramo is death.

00:02:22 - Look, I'm telling you incredible details, yet this is not even 1% of what the story is about.

00:02:32 - Not to make you the longest story, what I like the most about this novel is the theme it has, which could be a story of the hopes, frustrated illusions because all the characters have an illusion, allowing that in none of the cases is reached. Remember that I told you he created magic realism? Well, this magical realism is meant to show them real or strange or something every your comment. It is truly that this is a book of much analysis and that I recommend you to read alone and without noise. It is something complex and challenging and I really hope you take the time to to give it a read and share with me your your experience and that would be all for today about books. I

00:03:27 - I wanted to thank you very much for the 10 million views.

00:03:31 - It is incredible and awesome the support you gave me guys.

00:03:35 - Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.

00:03:38 - And let's start with other notices about the sports.

00:03:45 - What do you think about this new project that Cruz Azul have have with the other teams about having

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