Noviembre  10, 2020

Episodio : Dramatizado

Comparte este episodio: 

00:00:30 - Oh

00:01:00 - No!

00:01:06 - No!

00:01:13 - No!

00:01:16 - No!

00:01:18 - Muchos me llaman chung, otros me llaman tunda, pero yo soy la que soy, ayer perdi un amor,

00:01:34 - And since I didn't save anyone's money, I'm looking for another one.

00:02:04 - You can have more beauty than you

00:02:07 - Open another with more power than you

00:02:10 - You can exist in this world

00:02:13 - But you are the queen

00:02:15 - You are there with the crown of life

00:02:18 - And you have all the creatures of the sea

00:02:22 - But in my heart

00:02:24 - You are the queen

00:02:26 - You feel only a land

00:02:28 - That taught me the way to live

00:02:31 - Ah, it's time to see life, I'm sorry, I've wasted my time on things that aren't right

00:02:39 - I want you to never forget how many men love you

00:02:43 - And I want you to love me one day with your eyes on me

00:02:48 - Oh my God, who ordered chicken?

00:02:53 - You're so good, mommy

00:02:56 - Oh, yes

00:02:57 - Hey beautiful

00:02:58 - What?

00:02:59 - You have a husband

00:03:00 - No.

00:03:01 - Because here you got one.

00:03:04 - Hey mommy, would you like to accompany me to a huertica or what?

00:03:08 - Ah, interesting.

00:03:10 - There we are, two little birds there, soft, mommy.

00:03:12 - Well, then...

00:03:13 - Here you can put it on the beach.

00:03:16 - Let's go, we sit in the sand.

00:03:19 - We swim.

00:03:21 - And we go to the mountain.

00:03:23 - There we can eat a delicious salchicamaron.

00:03:27 - Maron, la pasamos bien con los friends, y si tú quieres venir, pues ven tú también.

00:03:33 - Playa, ya tengo mi chore, mi playa.

00:03:36 - Y el que no quiera venir, pues que no vaya.

00:03:57 - Why do you have the red eyes?

00:03:59 - Oh, I'm in the sand.

00:04:01 - And why do you have the tongue like that?

00:04:03 - Oh, I bit myself.

00:04:05 - What happened to your leg?

00:04:07 - Oh, you bitch!

00:04:09 - Come here!

00:04:27 - No, comadre.

00:04:29 - Alejo, ¿usted ha visto a mi marido?

00:04:31 - No, yo no lo he visto.

00:04:33 - Angie, ¿usted ha visto a mi marido?

00:04:35 - No, comadre, yo no he visto a ese hombre.

00:04:45 - Comadre.

00:04:47 - Comadre.

00:04:49 - Comadre.

00:04:51 - ¿Y aquí no está mi compa?

00:04:53 - No.

00:04:55 - ¿Mi compa no está a comadre?

00:04:57 - ¿El a quién está?

00:04:58 - Ay, miren, santísima.

00:05:00 - Yo le dije que se quedara en mi casa a comadre.

00:05:03 - De verdad que le juro que yo le dije que se quedara en la casa.

00:05:06 - Acompáñenme a buscarlo.

00:05:19 - ¡Dunda, solta, mi marido!

00:05:22 - ¡Soltalo, pues!

00:05:24 - Tunda coge pao

00:05:47 - You think you're gonna beat me with that?

00:05:49 - Coger a tuya

00:05:54 - Oh, el biche en las lanchas

00:05:57 - ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿A decir? ¿Qué? ¿Qué?

00:05:59 - El biche en las lanchas

00:06:02 - Colocate la chancha

00:06:07 - Qué rico es el biche

00:06:10 - Vamos, toste el biche

00:06:12 - Barato es el biche

00:06:13 - Ay, compa, ¿qué hago?

00:06:15 - ¡Có madre, tírele esta!

00:06:17 - ¡Quítate de mi escalera, no me hagas oscuridad!

00:06:23 - Oh, eh, eh, eh, eh.

00:06:28 - Naaaaaaaah!

00:06:34 - Gracias Dios por salvar a mi marido.

00:06:37 - Está viendo compadre, para que la próxima me haga caso.

00:06:41 - ¡Vamos, nos compadre!

00:06:53 - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh you

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