Marzo  3, 2021

Episodio 1: Los prejuicios

Hablaremos de los prejuicios
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00:00:30 - Hola qué tal, el podcast de hoy será impartido por Judith Godines Cruz y su servidora Alenia

00:00:50 - Redondo, comencemos.

00:00:53 - Hola buenas tardes, el día de hoy hablaremos acerca de los prejuicios, de donde surgen y como evitarlos.

00:01:00 - Este podcast tiene como finalidad dar a conocer que son los prejuicios y de donde se originan, así como brindaremos diversos consejos para contrarrex.

00:01:09 - Muy bien, proseguiremos con definir que son los prejuicios.

00:01:11 - Un prejuicio es una idea o opinión preconcebida y que generalmente negativa respecto de algo o alguien.

00:01:18 - Es decir, es un juicio formado antes de tener la oportunidad de experimentar la realidad directamente.

00:01:25 - If we know the people who are given this type of opinion or point of view, they are called prejudices.

00:01:31 - Now we can say that prejudices are part of the mental processes unconscious of the human being, which subjectively modifies their ability to perceive reality.

00:01:43 - Prejudices tend to have negative reviews, and through them they reflect unfounded ideas.

that little has nothing to do with what can be experienced in real life and bring with it sensations of fear, despise, aversion, hostility that often lead to actions of the same type.

00:02:01 - Prejudices are axiomatic, they are accepted or rejected, but it is difficult to rationally discuss them, given that they lack arguments based on an emotional, irrational and subjective reaction.

well now we will talk about where the prejudices originate, it can be said that we learn from young people to encasillate people, we also learn the differences between man and woman, old and young, and we learn that there are people with another skin color or religion,

00:03:13 - Without realizing it, we apply this encasement to family, friends and even strangers.

00:03:19 - Prejudices take off from the need to anticipate reality to respond quickly to a natural mechanism of thinking of the human being.

00:03:29 - That is, it forms part of the defense mechanisms of our primitive mind, whose senses protect us from possible dangers based on knowledge.

00:03:39 - However, it does not mean that the individuals are natural or much less.

00:03:43 - They usually have their origin in the belief.

00:03:45 - Often in the culture that we give or learn from our progenitors or we also become social or historical individuals.

00:04:39 - Para finalizar, mencionaremos 7 consejos para superar los preficios, para poder inmenar los preficios y estereotipos. Es importante que hagas una reflexión profunda acerca de tu mentalidad, tus ideas preconcebidas.

00:04:54 - El primer consejo sería evitar extraer conclusiones anticipadas cuando conoces a un nuevo grupo de gente. Por ejemplo, cuando te apuntas a un curso y conoces a tus nuevos compañeros de clase. El segundo consejo corresponde a que debes asegurarte de que tus propios prejuicios no determinen tu comportamiento. Los prejuicios no deben llevarte nunca apartar a personas o a discriminarlas. Cuidado con difundir también tus propios prejuicios, esto lo podemos definir como humildad. La tercera recomendación seria tener empatía con los demas como te sientes tu cuando sabes que estan buscando sin darte la oportunidad de conocerte de verdad. La medicina de la empatía es fundamental para corregir este tipo de comportamientos, por ejemplo, interceder en contra de algún niño que reciba bullying por tener una discapacidad física. La cuarta recomendación es observar la desigualdad frente al funcionamiento propio de los precios que muestran una visión distorsionada de la realidad, confronta la realidad de un dato objetivo que rompe con esa información.

00:05:55 - Por ejemplo, si una persona tiene precios de creer que la diferencia de edad en la pareja affect in a negative way the love, I assure you that you can observe around you some case of two people who beyond the age difference projects your happiness around you.

00:06:11 - The fifth reflection is to feed your mind with cultural stimuli.

00:06:16 - Constant education is the best medicine to reduce the impact that prejudices can produce in our life.

00:06:22 - Culture feeds the critical and reflective sense, that is, it helps us to think.

00:06:28 - The sixth reflection is to have friends in different groups.

00:06:32 - Through the practical experience of social skills, you can also overcome prejudices.

00:06:37 - If you have the opportunity to establish relationships with different people, this fact helps you to grow.

00:06:45 - And finally, the sixth command is to recognize what your prejudices are.

00:06:48 - Many people reprimand them and when they act this way, they are not given the opportunity to change, on the contrary.

to assume that she is not the only one who is more aware of when you are acting from this internal criteria and you have more opportunities to correct yourself because thinking is a constant inspiration to achieve.

00:07:24 - As a conclusion, we can say that prejudices are harmful for the people, since they are labeled and judged without having the opportunity to know them before they commit a wrong judgment of the person.

00:07:52 - We must also contribute to the elimination of prejudices and avoid spreading them since we were little in the family environment.

00:08:22 - This has been all for today, do not forget that we see each other in the next mission, next Thursday at the same time for the same channel.

00:08:50 - Don't forget to subscribe and give thumbs up.

00:08:53 - Bye! Hasta la próxima!

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