March  11, 2021

Episode : Grammatical Categories

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00:00:00 - George, start again. Examples for lexiconunits idioms.

00:00:07 - I say five courses. Examples of fixed charitons.

00:00:13 - Pre, before. Examples for suffixes.

00:00:17 - Suffixes. An example of a result. Chariton samples of aspects.

00:00:22 - Aspect. Impressive simple eat. Progressive eating. Perfect half-eating.

00:00:29 - Example of definitions.

00:00:34 - Example of definition is a fix on the noun or be a click-click or work in the noun phrase.

00:00:42 - Try the example of number, modality, sorry.

00:00:46 - Modality such as can't.

00:00:48 - Example for noun class.

00:00:51 - Examples of noun clouds, a woman, a princess or a noun phrase constitutes on the verb.

00:01:01 - Chajito examples of number.

00:01:03 - Examples of number.

00:01:05 - Cat, cats.

00:01:07 - George, examples for tense.

00:01:11 - Tense in the past.

00:01:13 - I walk.

00:01:14 - Chajito examples to transivity.

are in both object telech, examples for voice.

00:01:28 - Example for voice is an active voice or passive voice.

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