Marzo  27, 2021

Episodio 6: Noticias - Diputado Húngaro en orgía gay

Te contamos al estilo de Entre Gatos todo lo relacionado al Diputado Húngaro que lo detuvieron escapando de una orgía gay
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Episode cover: Noticias - Diputado Húngaro en orgía gay

00:00:30 - ¡Buenos días, entregatos!

00:00:32 - ¡Hasta la próxima!

00:00:33 - ¡Buenos días, entregatos!

00:00:35 - ¡Bienvenidos a Un anoto Amaz!

00:00:37 - ¡Buenos días!

00:00:38 - ¡Bienvenidos a Un anoto Amaz!

00:00:40 - ¿Un CAGADERO de Paris?

00:00:41 - ¿Qué vamos a hablar del día de hoy?

00:00:42 - ¿Cagadero de Paris?

00:00:44 - ¡Bienvenido!

00:00:46 - ¡Bienvenido a Un anoto de Paris!

00:00:48 - ¡Bienvenido a Un anoto de Paris!

00:00:49 - ¡Bienvenido a Un anoto de miembros!

00:00:50 - ¿Cuál es la nota?

00:00:52 - ¡The Cagadero de Miembros!

00:00:54 - ¡Claro! Es una fábrica de pulparindo en Bruselas

00:00:56 - Hahaha!

00:00:58 - They closed it, didn't they?

00:01:00 - Of course!

00:01:01 - No!

00:01:02 - You know what it is?

00:01:03 - It's delicious!

00:01:04 - When you take it off, it's like a hairpin!

00:01:06 - Oh, it's already sweaty!

00:01:08 - It's already sweaty!

00:01:09 - Hahaha!

00:01:10 - But if you don't want to take it off, it's like a hairpin!

00:01:13 - Ok!

00:01:14 - Please, let's go inside, girl!

00:01:16 - Oh, let's go inside?

00:01:18 - Don't say that!

00:01:19 - No, no, don't say that!

00:01:20 - Don't say that!

00:01:21 - Don't say that!

00:01:22 - Don't say that!

00:01:23 - Don't say that!

00:01:24 - If you're from Casablanca, you're from here.

00:01:26 - Well, in Brussels, a little deputy from Hungary.

00:01:30 - A deputy.

00:01:31 - I'm from San Gif, let's call it San Gif.

00:01:34 - Josepe, man.

00:01:35 - Josepe San Gif, let's call it.

00:01:36 - Jose, Jose.

00:01:38 - Because we're in Mexico.

00:01:39 - Of course.

00:01:40 - And when you're dilated, you say Jose.

00:01:42 - Yes.

00:01:42 - Yes.

00:01:43 - Yes.

00:01:43 - You're from the state, you say, man.

00:01:45 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

00:01:47 - Well, they arrested him.

00:01:49 - Why?

00:01:50 - They arrested him.

00:01:51 - I told you, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday

00:02:21 - They stopped it because...

00:02:23 - It was me!

00:02:24 - But Selena's stuff isn't that cool!

00:02:27 - No, it's not!

00:02:28 - The point is that they stopped this car not so much because of the machine gun

00:02:32 - It was because it jumped through the window and they said

00:02:34 - Ah, that guy stole the machine gun!

00:02:37 - He took the machine gun!

00:02:39 - He took the machine gun!

00:02:41 - He took the machine gun!

00:02:43 - He took the machine gun!

00:02:45 - He took the machine gun!

00:02:47 - He took the machine gun!

00:02:49 - A man who must have been a fan of Paiul.

00:02:53 - Actually, Paiul is nothing more than a fan of Paiul.

00:02:56 - He always treats me like a serious person.

00:02:58 - Why?

00:03:00 - They already told me that he was a fan of Paiul.

00:03:02 - But I think that maybe beyond the music...

00:03:07 - Yes, and all that, I think it was Love, right?

00:03:09 - Yes.

00:03:10 - It was a concentration of...

00:03:12 - Well, you have to know that he was a fan of Paiul.

00:03:14 - He was a fan of Paiul, right?

00:03:16 - Yes, as I would say, of Yucatán.

00:03:19 - They're fucking crazy.

00:03:22 - I think if someone died there, it's shit.

00:03:25 - I don't know what to say.

00:03:26 - Dude, someone...

00:03:28 - They fucked up in that party.

00:03:30 - That party, they fucked up.

00:03:32 - They were really fucked up.

00:03:34 - They were really fucked up.

00:03:36 - They went through the hair.

00:03:39 - They went through the hair.

00:03:42 - The police arrived and this guy was obviously...

00:03:46 - I want to get out of the window with the police, this is the police, and it's someone with the police.

00:03:59 - But what damn bad luck do you have to have, bastard?

00:04:02 - So that when you get to the Polywee, they come recording, the guys are bad, the guys are bad.

00:04:07 - What do you say? What bad luck do you have to have?

00:04:10 - What are you doing with your friends and they're taking you to a good place?

00:04:14 - They're taking you to a good place!

00:04:16 - A good place?

00:04:18 - All night long!

00:04:20 - You're looking for a vaccine!

00:04:22 - No!

00:04:24 - You're not going anywhere!

00:04:26 - It's just that she looks like an infidel!

00:04:28 - With all the cameras!

00:04:30 - Cheers!

00:04:32 - So it was like that?

00:04:34 - No, it's like that!

00:04:36 - Friends are a couple?

00:04:38 - Policadron?

00:04:39 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:04:41 - Choking with the music.

00:04:43 - But with his face.

00:04:45 - Where's the black leather?

00:04:47 - With his face.

00:04:48 - With the rainbow.

00:04:50 - Choking.

00:04:51 - Badacos.

00:04:52 - Here's the shirt.

00:04:54 - Here's the shirt.

00:04:56 - The shirt.

00:04:57 - Wait, with leather shoes.

00:04:59 - With a dildo in the ass.

00:05:01 - Yeah, man.

00:05:02 - You had the full video.

00:05:04 - Of course, man.

00:05:05 - How many did you do?

00:05:07 - You took hours to dedicate these ideas to him.

00:05:12 - In all of them.

00:05:14 - Researches.

00:05:16 - Everyone is professional.

00:05:18 - Everyone is professional.

00:05:24 - They had a dedicated water tap.

00:05:26 - They built this water but the tap was made by a water camera.

00:05:33 - They went here for hours and didn't make time for themselves.

00:05:35 - I thought it was going to be my turn!

00:05:37 - It's my turn, it was my turn!

00:05:39 - I was going to imagine it!

00:05:43 - How did you imagine the camera?

00:05:45 - A guy, he was going to say, where the spiders go, it was a bit awkward

00:05:51 - It was a bit awkward

00:05:53 - Hold on, to start

00:05:55 - Wait a second here

00:05:57 - No, to start the party is right-wing, a right-wing,

00:06:03 - Cristiano.

00:06:04 - And they are against homosexual rights.

00:06:07 - Of course.

00:06:08 - They are against it.

00:06:09 - You have to be like this.

00:06:10 - But you have nothing to do with your personal life.

00:06:12 - Wait, wait.

00:06:13 - Have you ever heard of Pedro Cabrón?

00:06:14 - With the likes of Tuano.

00:06:15 - That guy created the game with another cabrón in the 80s.

00:06:19 - That's right.

00:06:20 - That's right.

00:06:21 - That's right.

00:06:22 - That's right.

00:06:23 - That's right.

00:06:24 - That's right.

00:06:25 - That's right.

00:06:26 - That's right.

00:06:27 - That's right.

00:06:28 - That's right.

00:06:29 - That's right.

00:06:30 - That's right.

00:06:31 - That's right.

that's what I'm talking about.

00:06:34 - I'm talking about a table, a table, a table.

00:06:38 - It's a good thing, right?

00:06:40 - Let's create a Christian-right-wing match, a conservative match, but I like the pit.

00:06:47 - Let's do the panty-set.

00:06:50 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

00:06:53 - There's a guy who's asking for a clout, who brings you a beer.

00:06:59 - Wow!

00:07:01 - Yes, of course.

00:07:03 - How many years have you been playing?

00:07:05 - How many years have you been destroyed that night?

00:07:07 - About 20 years.

00:07:09 - About 20 years.

00:07:11 - About 20 years.

00:07:13 - About 20 years.

20 years.

20 years ago.

20 years ago.

00:07:21 - Do you know that they are not cursing you?

00:07:23 - Do you know that they stopped him?

00:07:25 - Or that he stopped?

00:07:27 - It's true that in Europe all the hair moves very freely, isn't it?

00:07:30 - You can do whatever you want with your hair.

00:07:33 - So, yes, the poop was released, right?

00:07:36 - So, look, if this happens one day, what happens in the Vatican?

00:07:40 - Oh, look, I'm going to tell you something, I'm going to tell you something, right?

00:07:46 - I've been there, I've been there, I've been there, I've been there, I've been there, I've been there, I've been there, I've been there, I've been there.

you're kidding me.

00:07:54 - You're going to be like this.

00:07:56 - How many times will you take that block?

00:07:58 - How many times will you take that block?

00:08:00 - I came out of here and out of here and out of here and out of here.

00:08:04 - I saw you with the screen where the other member came out of there.

00:08:08 - Ah yes, that's how you went out.

00:08:10 - It wasn't like that guy.

00:08:12 - But then you realized.

00:08:14 - So then, well...

00:08:16 - We also realized that one of the guys from Hungary

00:08:19 - We're now drinking the first World Cup because it's European.

00:08:22 - It's also Europe from the East, from the Russian neighbors who also drink the same as the cousins.

00:08:26 - So we're done.

00:08:28 - Yes, we're done.

00:08:29 - The head was the one that...

00:08:31 - They didn't take it in the cup.

00:08:32 - The head was the one that...

00:08:34 - It's like a new balloon.

00:08:36 - The head was the one that was shot in Brussels.

00:08:38 - They shot it in two ways.

00:08:40 - They shot it, the pinned one, the pinned one, and then with a leather suit, very soft.

00:08:48 - Here the point is that it would be like the, what is it called?

00:08:52 - The human foot, right?

00:08:54 - Here the point is that in Europe they give you more than possible to have high music, because they are letting you go.

00:09:02 - The point was because of Covid, right?

00:09:05 - Yes, of course.

00:09:06 - In fact, the police was very...

00:09:08 - Look, look, look, there are a lot of screws in the bag over there.

00:09:12 - Here you can take it in between.

00:09:14 - You can put eggs in the cupboards, and the promissory.

00:09:18 - Maybe they'll put the cupboards in the pit.

00:09:22 - In the pit.

00:09:23 - In the pit.

00:09:24 - In the pit.

00:09:25 - In the pit.

00:09:26 - In the pit.

00:09:27 - In the pit.

00:09:28 - In the pit.

00:09:29 - I think the ideas are coming to an end, so let's go fast.

00:09:31 - No!

00:09:32 - In the pit.

00:09:33 - Gentlemen, if you like to receive...

00:09:35 - A member.

00:09:36 - A member.

00:09:37 - Go to Brussels.

00:09:38 - Just take care of the boys, we're going to Brussels.

00:09:41 - In other words, in Brussels, you're always very Belgian.

00:09:44 - Very Belgian.

00:09:45 - Ah!

00:09:46 - Ah!

00:09:47 - Ah!

00:09:48 - Ah!

00:09:49 - Ah!

00:09:50 - Ah!

00:09:51 - Ah!

00:09:52 - Ah!

00:09:53 - Ah!

00:09:54 - Ah!

00:09:55 - Ah!

00:09:56 - Ah!

00:09:57 - Ah!

00:09:58 - Ah!

00:09:59 - Ah!

00:10:00 - Ah!

00:10:01 - Ah!

00:10:02 - Ah!

00:10:03 - Ah!

00:10:04 - Ah!

00:10:05 - Ah!

00:10:06 - Ah!

00:10:07 - Ah!

00:10:08 - Let's go!

00:10:10 - And if you want to go, you don't even have time to buy your fucking time.

00:10:13 - Oh, well, you can talk about homosexuality.

00:10:16 - Okay, okay, we are the deputies of homosexuals.

00:10:19 - No, but...

00:10:20 - Let's put it like this, let's put it like this.

00:10:22 - So, an example of a Mexican, who would be the one who would sell the homosexual fart as a deputies in New York?

00:10:28 - A Luca Mej.

00:10:29 - Luca Mej, what are you talking about?

00:10:31 - I thought...

00:10:32 - A Luca Mej, okay.

00:10:34 - Look, my dick, we already know that's the fault.

00:10:36 - I mean, you have to put it in the organ, right?

00:10:38 - Yes, sir.

00:10:40 - You have to put it in the organ, right?

00:10:42 - You put it in the organ, right?

00:10:44 - But, look, as long as it's round, it goes.

00:10:46 - As long as it has dissipators, there's no problem.

00:10:48 - There's no problem.

00:10:50 - Ok.

00:10:52 - I would like to say something to Mejo.

00:10:54 - Kalimba.

00:10:56 - And...

00:10:58 - I don't think it's bad.

00:11:00 - As long as you press the button, it goes away.

00:11:02 - Ok, very good.

00:11:04 - Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits, Jalits

00:11:34 - In Brasiela

00:11:36 - In Brasiela

00:11:38 - Very good

00:11:40 - That's right, gentlemen, if you go to Europe, you will never win the group because they complain

00:11:44 - They complain about everything

00:11:46 - They complain because they don't have a cover

00:11:48 - They complain about everything

00:11:50 - They complain because they don't have a cover

00:11:52 - They complain because they don't have a cover

00:11:54 - They complain about everything

00:11:56 - They complain because they don't have a cover

00:11:58 - They complain because they don't have a cover

00:12:00 - They complain because they don't have a cover

00:12:02 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

00:12:32 - That's right.

00:12:33 - That's right.

00:12:34 - That's right.

00:12:35 - That's right.

00:12:36 - That's right.

00:12:37 - That's right.

00:12:38 - That's right.

00:12:39 - That's right.

00:12:40 - That's right.

00:12:41 - That's right.

00:12:42 - That's right.

00:12:43 - That's right.

00:12:44 - That's right.

00:12:45 - That's right.

00:12:46 - That's right.

00:12:47 - That's right.

00:12:48 - That's right.

00:12:49 - That's right.

00:12:50 - That's right.

00:12:51 - That's right.

00:12:52 - That's right.

00:12:53 - That's right.

00:12:54 - That's right.

00:12:55 - That's right.

00:12:56 - That's right.

00:12:57 - That's right.

00:12:58 - That's right.

00:12:59 - That's right.

00:13:00 - Invinas, six multibillionaires.

00:13:03 - Invinas!

00:13:05 - Well, with this, we're done.

00:13:09 - In Europe.

00:13:10 - We're done, right?

00:13:11 - In Europe!

00:13:12 - No!

00:13:13 - I don't think it was a proper interview.

00:13:15 - I'll leave half of the equipment.

00:13:19 - Go to Europe.

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