March  23, 2021

Episode : Second

What is mosaicism? How does mosaicism occur?
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00:00:00 - Okay, welcome to the second episode of biology and here I'm going to talk about what is mosaicism, the chromosome mosaicism? Well, and also I'm going to talk about how does the mosaicism phenomenon occur? Well, mosaicism occurs when there are two or more groups of genetically different cells in a person's body. If those are normal cells and begin to outnumber the normal cells, well it can cause a disease, a disease, and which can be treated from the cellular level to affected tissues, such as the skin, brain, or other organs. How does the mosaison phenomenon occur? Well in most people mosaison can occur at a very small and non-obvious level, like something small, it occurs after the sperm fertilized the egg to form a fertilized egg, which grows through the process of cell division when cells divide and multiply. They make an exact copy of their DNA and then divide the copy into cells. If there is an error in any part of the process, for example, if it is contained an incorrect copy of DNA, that divides one end, one eventually the resulting cell will be different. In some cases the abnormal cells may die, however it survives the result is a mosaicin. If this happens, in the early stages of development up to 60% of human cells may be abnormal, which will be a high degree of mosaicin. However, if errors occur later, a lower percentage of cells will be abnormal, resulting in a lower mosaicin. The impact of mossaceum generally depends on the severity of the DNA error and the degree of mossaceum.

00:02:51 - Well that was the second episode, thank you.

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