Febrero  21, 2021

Episodio : La importancia de las OSC

las OSC confirman que, hoy por hoy, la sociedad civil es una gran aliada en la construcción de un México con menos injusticias, ya que los ciudadanos organizados han sido, y seguirán siendo, un poderoso motor de cambio social al ser no solo son beneficiaros de programas sociales, sino parte activa de su operación.
En nuestro país existen 28 mil OSC inscritas en el Registro Federal de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil. Desde luego, se debe considerar que, aunque estén legalmente constituidas, no todas estas asociaciones tienen el objetivo claro de contribuir al bienestar de los demás.
Comparte este episodio: 

00:00:00 - Loving can hurt, Loving can hurt sometimes

00:00:27 - But it's the only thing that I know

00:00:36 - When it gets hard

00:00:40 - You know it can get hard sometime

00:00:45 - It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

00:00:51 - The video was taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.

00:00:53 - The video was taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.

00:00:55 - We are taking pictures of the city.

00:00:59 - We made these memories for ourselves.

00:01:03 - Where our eyes are never closing, our hearts are never broken.

00:01:07 - The time's forever frozen still.

00:01:11 - So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans.

00:01:19 - Holding me closer till our eyes meet

00:01:23 - You won't ever be alone

00:01:27 - Wait for me to come home

00:01:33 - Loving can heal

00:01:37 - Loving can mend your soul

00:01:42 - And it's the only thing that I know

00:01:47 - I

00:01:50 - Swear

00:02:03 - With us

00:02:10 - Keep this love

00:02:12 - We made these mammoths for ourselves

00:02:17 - Where our eyes are never closing

00:02:20 - Highs were never working

00:02:22 - Times forever frozen still

00:02:26 - So you can keep me

00:02:29 - Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

00:02:33 - Holding me closer till our eyes meet

00:02:38 - You won't ever be alone

00:02:44 - And if you hurt me

00:02:47 - That's okay baby, only words can please

00:02:51 - Inside these pages you just hold me

00:02:56 - And I won't ever let you go

00:03:00 - Wait for me to come home

00:03:04 - Wait for me to come home

00:03:09 - Wait for me to come home

00:03:14 - Wait for me to come home

00:03:20 - And you can fit me inside the necklace you got

00:03:24 - When you were six or ten

00:03:27 - Next to your heartbeat

00:03:29 - But I should be

00:03:31 - Keep it deep within your soul

00:03:37 - And if you hurt me

00:03:40 - Well that's okay baby

00:03:42 - Only once

00:03:44 - Lead inside these pages

00:03:47 - You just hurt me

00:03:49 - And I won't ever let you go

00:03:55 - I'll win on my way

00:03:58 - I will remember how you kissed me under the lamppost back on 6th street

00:04:07 - Hearing you whisper through the phone

00:04:10 - You're at the top of the mountain

00:04:12 - Wait for me to come home you

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