Diciembre  10, 2018

028: Sabes cuales son las grasas buenas para la diabetes?

La grasa no es la enemiga! en verdad, la obtencion de grasa puede ayudar a frenar los antojos y perder peso.

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Episode cover: 028: Sabes cuales son las grasas buenas para la diabetes?

00:00:00 - This holiday season you know what I have on my wish list? Adventure! That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event. They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel-drive SUVs,

00:00:12 - CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features and best of all I got it on clearance. So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater. See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.

00:00:30 - Today we will talk about what sources of fat are good and bad for diabetes.

00:00:36 - Later.

00:00:43 - The fat is not the enemy, in fact, it is not the enemy.

00:00:48 - The obtaining of fat can help stop the cravings, lose weight and in the last instance achieve a better control of sugar in the blood.

00:01:00 - The key is to know how to tell the good fat, what is the bad fat.

00:01:07 - The monounsaturated fats, which are found in avocados, or almonds and nuts, or polyinsaturated fats, are found in nuts and sunflower oil.

00:01:25 - What can help or decrease the cholesterol in the bad?

00:01:29 - There are great options when eating for diabetes type 2.

00:01:35 - Meanwhile, saturated fats and trans fats can harm your heart and general health.

00:01:44 - According to the Canadian Association of the Heart.

00:01:48 - Speaking of trans fats,

00:01:51 - Look for the hydrogenated term in the labels of processed foods, such as meriendas, bakery products, desserts and salads.

00:02:02 - I always tell my clients this to check the list of ingredients and to make sure that you don't see any partially hydrogenated oil in your food products.

00:02:19 - Vamos a hablar de las mejores opciones que existen entonces.

00:02:24 - Los aguacates, los frutos secos, como las almendras, pecanas, nueces y pistachos.

00:02:34 - Las mantequillas de nueces, las aceitunas, edamanes, los aceites vegetales, like soy oil, corn oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil.

00:02:51 - The seeds, like lino seeds and chia seeds.

00:02:56 - Also the fish, like salmon and tuna, and also tofu.

00:03:03 - The worst options then are the fast foods.

00:03:08 - We all understand this and we know.

carne de res, ternera y coldero, productos lácteos ricos en grasa, aceite de coco y aceite de palma, las meriendas como galletas, chip de maíz y las papas fritas, el consumo de dulces, procesados como los bizcochos, bizcochitos, pasteles, galletas dulces y empanadas. Si es mi consejo, lea con mucho cuidado en las etiquetas el porcentaje de grasa de cada alimento antes de llevárselo a la boca. Pregunta del día, ya conocía que tipos de grasas son buenas para las personas diabéticas? Deja su comentario más abajo y si les ha gustado este video, denle un me gusta. Suscríbese en nuestro canal de YouTube y síguenos en Twitter, Facebook, Instagram e Instagram TV para que recibas nuestras notificaciones de nuestros próximos videos. Muchas gracias por su apreciado tiempo.

00:04:27 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list?

00:04:34 - Adventure!

00:04:35 - That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event.

00:04:38 - They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel drive SUVs, CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day, I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features, and best of all, I got it on clearance.

00:04:52 - So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater.

00:04:55 - See your local Honda dealer or Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.

00:05:00 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list?

00:05:04 - Adventure!

00:05:05 - That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event.

00:05:08 - They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel drive SUVs, CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day, I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features.

00:05:19 - And best of all, I got it on clearance.

00:05:22 - So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater.

00:05:25 - See your local Honda dealer or happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.