Octubre  15, 2018

021: Que No Decirle A Alguien Que Tenga Diabetes

Si usted ha sido diagnosticado con diabetes o si usted ha tenido diabetes durante toda su vida, escuchando la gente decir. Y tu puede comer, eso, esto o aquello?.

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Episode cover: 021: Que No Decirle A Alguien Que Tenga Diabetes

00:00:00 - This holiday season you know what I have on my wish list? Adventure! That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event. They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel-drive SUVs,

00:00:12 - CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features and best of all I got it on clearance. So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater. See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.

00:00:30 - Hoy explicaremos que no decirle a una persona o a alguien que tenga diabetes, mas adelante.

00:00:37 - Estamos presentando Cherry, terapias y diabetes.

00:00:42 - Hola, soy Cherry Mercedes, Terapeuta Familiar Educador en Diabetes.

00:00:47 - Si es la primera vez que nos visita, te invito a que te suscriba a nuestro canal de YouTube and follow us on Facebook and Instagram TV so you can see all our material that is available.

00:01:03 - If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or if you have had diabetes for some time listening to people or people say what you shouldn't eat and how your disease is going to determine your destiny it's not something you want to hear.

00:01:19 - Thank you, sometimes our loved ones are not very sure how to help and instead of trying to control your diabetes, it is important to tell them what you need and how to offer a constructive help.

00:01:37 - The truth is that when it comes to diabetes, hard love actually doesn't work. And while que las intenciones puedan venir de un buen lugar, algunas de las declaraciones y de las observaciones pueden ser interpretadas negativamente.

00:01:57 - Primero comentario inapropiado que no debe decirle a un diabético. Yo no sabía que eras un diabético. Llamar a alguien diabético a menudo puede ser ofensivo, mientras que some may not know the terminology, others may feel that they are being labelized.

00:02:18 - Having diabetes does not define the identity, people do not choose diabetes. Therefore, unlike the use of the terminology of diabetes, he is simply a person with diabetes.

00:02:35 - Second comment that should not be a diabetic lion, are you sure that you are supposed to va a comer eso? Las personas con diabetes tienen que pensar acerca de lo que comen en cada comida.

00:02:49 - La comida siempre está en su mente y se recuerda constantemente de las cosas que no debe comer.

00:02:57 - A menudo, que usted está proporcionando la educación o el cuidado de la salud del members of the family is different, it is better to avoid the scrutiny of each lesson of foods they make and perhaps have to offer advice not requested if you are not prepared to do it.

00:03:19 - Instead of saying the passive aggressive comments such as are you sure that you are supposed to eat that? Well, or you cannot eat because you have diabetes? I ask you if you like algo saludable en su lugar como por ejemplo yo sé que la hamburguesa con queso y papa frita se ve delicioso pero creo que podría también como el pollo a la parillada con ensalada de papa al horno y creo que es una opción más saludable las personas con diabetes tipo 2 necesitan support and positive stimulus, but the majority is not just with the policy of the food.

00:04:05 - Third comment that should not be made to a diabetic is that it is possible that the dessert is without sugar. The dessert without sugar must not be confused with the food of the diet. Even if the dessert was without sugar, that does not mean that they are libres de calvoidratos. Todos los postres o todos los calvidratos se descomponen y se convierten en azúcar en lugar de aislar a una persona con diabetes puede tener sentido, si solo les permiten tener una pequeña cantidad del postre en forma de un trato. Probablemente deje de sentirse satisfecho. Usted puede aprender cómo contar los calvidratos o incorporarlos en el plan de las comidas. Cuarto comentario un apropiado y pregunta que no debería de hacer a un diabético. Mi abuela tenía diabetes y ella perdió su pierna. Su mejor amigo, quien fue diagnosticado con diabetes, no le interesa conocer las historias de horror acerca de su abuela. La gente puede vivir con las diabetes por muchos años, sin complicaciones if you didn't know. Many of the advances in the diabetes medicine, such as technology and research, have helped us manage diabetes better and provide individual treatment plans.

00:05:40 - Fifth question to the appropriate comment that should not be a diabetic. Wow, your sugar is high. It is very high. What did you do?

00:05:51 - The sugar in the blood varies on a daily basis.

00:05:55 - If someone is experiencing a high sugar in their blood, it can be for some reasons.

00:06:04 - Some of which are not in their control, such as stress and disease.

00:06:09 - It is difficult for a person with diabetes to see a high sugar in the blood.

00:06:15 - It is often accompanied by feelings of guilt and dissection.

00:06:19 - If possible, avoid comments on sugar in the blood unless the person with diabetes asks for it.

00:06:29 - Question of the day. Do you have any idea of how to treat people who are diabetic?

00:06:37 - Leave me your comment below and if you liked the video, leave a like.

this holiday season. You know what I have on my wish list? Adventure. That's why I got in New Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event.

00:07:13 - They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel drive SUVs,

00:07:16 - CR-V, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day,

00:07:20 - I drove off in a new HR-V with a bunch of safety features.

00:07:24 - And best of all, I got it on clearance.

00:07:27 - So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater.

00:07:29 - See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.

00:07:35 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list?

00:07:38 - Adventure, that's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event.

00:07:43 - They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel drive SUVs,

00:07:46 - CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day,

00:07:50 - I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features.

00:07:54 - And best of all, I got it on clearance.

00:07:57 - So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater.

00:07:59 - See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.