Julio  30, 2018

018: Como Proteger sus Pies si tiene Diabetes.

La diabetes es una grave enfermedad cronica, que puede conducir a complicaciones que implican los pies. https://terapiafamiliarydeparejas.com/

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Episode cover: 018: Como Proteger sus Pies si tiene Diabetes.

00:00:00 - This holiday season you know what I have on my wish list? Adventure! That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event. They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel-drive SUVs,

00:00:12 - CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features and best of all I got it on clearance. So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater. See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.

00:00:30 - In this video we will talk about the way to protect your feet if you have diabetes.

00:00:37 - Later.

00:00:38 - We are presenting Cherry Therapy and Diabetes.

00:00:43 - Hello, if you do not know me, I am Cherry Mercedes, family therapist and educator in diabetes.

00:00:51 - Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that can lead to complications that imply the feet.

00:00:58 - The diabetes can cause neuropathy, which is the damage of the nerves, which results in the decrease or absence of sensitivity in the feet.

00:01:11 - If neuropathy is developed, a diabetic can be unable to feel the associated pain with the injury of the skin, and this can lead to an injury or ulcer in your feet.

00:01:26 - Los dos posibles complicaciones de las diabetes incluyen la disminución del suministro de sangre a los pies y una respuesta inmune debilitada, lo que puede dificultar la cicatrización de la herida y la capacidad para combatir infecciones.

00:01:46 - Todos estos factores resultan en un aumento en el riesgo de amputación de las extremidades.

00:01:53 - Also, listen carefully, in addition to the regular medical attention and change of lifestyle to help keep the sugar in the blood or low control, here there are three important that each diabetic must take to minimize the risk of complications of the diabetic foot.

00:02:17 - First, complication can be, it's better to avoid it, it's better to see a podologist.

00:02:24 - Regularly, the care of the feet for a podologist has the advantage of helping or identifying possible problems and preventing them from being produced.

00:02:34 - A visit to a podologist for the routine care of the feet is recommended every two months and consists of the arrest of neuropathy and the decrease of blood supply to the feet.

00:02:49 - Possible problematic areas such as the callosidades, or callos and incarnate nails are treated in order to avoid and become injured.

00:03:01 - Orthopedic problems such as the joints, which are also a deformation of the foot, are also identified and treated if necessary.

00:03:12 - It has also been shown that even if a pedabetic complication occurs as a ulcer, the podological tension along with another occurs, it has to be careful of pediatrics along with another medical intervention, which reduces the probability of amputation of extremities.

00:03:36 - Second, check your feet every day, one of the most important ways to prevent the problems of the abetic foot is to inspect the feet daily and see if there are wounds or other problems.

00:03:53 - It is not common for a patient with abetic neuropathy to have a foot with injuries as an injury due to the function and not being aware of it, this is due to the loss of the sensation of pain in your feet, which is characteristic of neuropathy.

00:04:15 - When you do the foot infection, listen carefully, make sure to carefully check all the areas of the foot, including between the fingers of the feet and the plant of the feet.

00:04:28 - If any of the wounds, such as skin ructions and irritation of the skin or swelling or other changes in the skin, are observed to make a appointment with a podologist or your head doctor as soon as possible.

00:04:45 - If you have difficulties reaching your feet or you are unable to have someone who does it for you,

00:04:52 - There are special mirrors to check and examine your feet in case you can't do it yourself.

00:05:01 - These mirrors can be found online or in many pharmacies where they sell diabetic products.

00:05:09 - Third, use protection shoes.

00:05:13 - It's especially important, listen carefully, for a diabetic to avoid shoes that are inadequate or tight.

00:05:21 - The wounds on the foot can easily occur when you rub against a pressed sole of shoes.

00:05:28 - To protect your feet, it is best to know the size of your shoes to ensure an appropriate adjustment and choose the style that gives enough space for the fingers of the feet.

00:05:41 - Avoid the shoes that are too narrow or tight, do not put tight shoes.

00:05:49 - Además de los zapatos para diabéticos, los aparatos autopédicos o soportes para el arco pueden ayudar a adaptarse a cualquier autopédico.

00:05:59 - Los problemas en los pies, por ejemplo, una prominencia en la parte inferior de los pies puede aumentar el riesgo de una úlcera.

00:06:09 - Los soportes para el arco o aparatos autopédicos ayudarán a contrastar esta presión y la almohadilla del pie.

00:06:18 - Le aconsejo que por favor no use zapatos apretados, se lo digo nuevamente otra vez use zapatos que le queden flojos que sean zapatos fáciles de descalzarlo que al final del día no vaya a ser que su piel le vaya a doler y por ende esos zapatos apretados puede obstaculizar o paralizar el flujido de sangre de sangre en sus pies

00:06:43 - Recuerde muy bien que el debético tiene los pies muy sensibles, por ende, como la azúcar a veces está muy alta, los pies son riesgos de que la sangre fluya entre las alterias.

00:06:59 - Escuche bien y tenga lo bien presente. No use calzados apretados y siempre use medias cuando usted esté usando zapatos pregunta del día conoces otra forma de cuidarse los pies diabéticos deja tu comentario y si te ha gustado este vídeo dale un me gusta y suscríbete al canal para que sigas recibiendo las notificaciones de nuestros próximos vídeos muchas gracias por su apreciado tiempo estamos presentando cherry terapias y diabetes

00:07:37 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list? Adventure! That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event. They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel drive SUVs,

00:07:49 - CR-V, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day, I drove off in a new HR-V with a bunch of safety features. And best of all, I got it on clearance. So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater. See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.

00:08:08 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list? Adventure. That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event. They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel-drive SUVs,

00:08:19 - CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features. And best of all, I got it on clearance. So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater. See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.